Vocal Vamp

Hack met a voiceover actress who would eat the Shakey’s where he worked and he decided to try some sexual experimentation by hiring her to talk in cartoon voices while his then-girlfriend and he made love. It quickly became a fetish and he was unable to achieve an erection without hearing the voice of Betty Boop or Minnie Mouse. The actress and the girlfriend were creeped out by this development and walked out of his life, leaving him to gratify himself by masturbating to Saturday morning cartoons. Hack wasn’t able to overcome his addiction to that fetish until he discovered hardcore BDSM later that year.

Red State Stud

One of Hack’s biggest successes. An illiterate Trump troll captivates a big city libtard through his skill at anal sex. The libtard finally casts the stud aside when she realizes that even the best anal sex of her life isn’t worth the damage Trump is creating in the country. This is the only Hack Werker novel to ever suggest that anything is more important than anal sex.

The Slut

One of Hack’s “socially conscious” novels that tried to talk about the horrors of venereal disease (it was originally published under the title “She Gave Me the Clap”) but is riddled with medical inaccuracies (“If only she’d known that if she simply taken it up the ass instead of in the vah-jay-jay that she would have been fine. When…OH WHEN!…will women realize that anal sex is the road to their salvation?”) The sex scenes were awesome though and Hack later wrote a sequel “Return of the Slut.”

Junior Ranger and the Rebel Women

Hack started pushing the envelope in the Junior Ranger saga with this entry, which contained almost none of the outdoorsy adventure found in the early books and focused on hardcore graphic sex. Publisher John Kane was worried that it would alienate the readership so he insisted that Hack add a subplot about a butterfly collector lost in the park. Hack obliged, but had the Lepidopterologist kidnapped by a gang of roving hippie chicks and savagely raped.