King Rear

Boris went to the vet only to be told (as usual) how goddamned fat he is. That led to this, Hack’s third Shakespearean adaptation, from a play which your humble narrator considers to be the greatest work of art ever created. I don’t think anyone will say the same about this novelization but at least it has enough of Hack’s signature anal sex scenes to hold the reader’s interest.


This was Hack’s second Shakespearean adaptation after Puglet, once again featuring his cover artist Jonny M.’s pug Boris in the title role. This novel proved to be as unlucky as the play it was based on because three times Hack sent Boris the only existing manuscript for approval and all three times the pug urinated on it until it shriveled into pulp. Boris swears it was an accident although his attorney did file a restraining order to try and stop its publication.

The Ghost of Richard III

When he saw his cover artist Jonny M. give his definitive performance as Shakespeare’s Richard III, Hack was so impressed that he wrote this sequel where the hunchback king comes back to life and blows away all of his surviving enemies. Hack’s version remained surprisingly true to Shakespeare’s original except that while he was waiting in the afterlife, Richard seemed to have developed an insatiable desire for anal sex.