Happy National Hot Dog Day!
Category: Adult Content
Blinded By Penii
The Shrink
Happy heavenly birthday to the great Bob Newhart/National Shrink Day (which takes place on September 5th because it’s Bob Newhart’s birthday). As someone who was in therapy for seven years, I encourage you to seek out help if you feel that you need it. It can be life-changing in a very positive way!
Where No Man Has Cum Before
Hack went to see a screening of the sci-fi classic The Search for Spock and was especially interested when the titular Vulcan (who had been left for dead on the planet Genesis and had been regenerated, aging at a rapid rate) had hit his teenage years and was going through Pon Farr for the first time, which is basically when the pointy-eared aliens are in heat. Hack was excited because as luck would have it, the gorgeous female Vulcan Saavik was onhand to lead Spock into manhood (or in this case, Vulcanhood) and with all Hack had heard about Pon Farr, he was expecting to see some violent and intense extraterrestrial banging.
Instead, Saavik gave him what amounted to a timid and disinterested hand job, which apparently did the trick because beta Spock immediately returned to the lethargic state that he was in throughout the rest of the goddamned movie. Hack was prepared to march to the box office to demand his money back when he realized that this was the reconstituted Vulcan’s first sexual experience, and Hack thought back to when he popped his own cherry at the tender age of 8 that it amounted to a timid and disinterested hand job too. So he decided that if the world was going to get the straight dope about the perversions experienced Vulcans indulged in when they lost their minds once every seven years, he’d have to write it himself. This book is that story and if you can get your hands on a copy, you’ll find that they’re into some intensely rough trade.
Doggy Style
Happy National Dog Day!
The Canine Cover-Up
Roofied and Loving It
Happy Pinot Noir Day!
Hack thought he could make a fast buck by ripping off the 1983 exploitation flick Angel about a high school honor student who makes her way at night as a street walker. He thought no one would notice if he did a gender switch on the lead character and made him 45 years older than the girl in the movie. No one did notice the connection because almost no one bought the book.
The Hollywood Turnip Truck
G-Strings in the Cross Hairs
Happy National Underwear Day