Police Chick

Hack was blind drunk through most of the 1970s so he has only a hazy recollection of the Angie Dickinson TV series Police Woman. But he has a vague memory of one episode where Angie is captured by a baddie and he orders her to take off her bra so he can check for concealed weapons. Angie is saved from the horrors of having to expose her boobage to the fiend at the last second but Hack decided to base an entire novel on the scenario.

Dinosaurs of the Bible

Happy Dinosaurs Day!

Hack wrote this during his brief flirtation with Evangelical Christianity. He later disowned the book even though it was a huge seller in the Bible Belt. It is still required reading in many elementary schools in Arkansas and Kentucky.

And yes, George Harrison’s face was used as the model for Jesus. Nobody noticed at the time.