Vocal Vamp

Hack met a voiceover actress who would eat the Shakey’s where he worked and he decided to try some sexual experimentation by hiring her to talk in cartoon voices while his then-girlfriend and he made love. It quickly became a fetish and he was unable to achieve an erection without hearing the voice of Betty Boop or Minnie Mouse. The actress and the girlfriend were creeped out by this development and walked out of his life, leaving him to gratify himself by masturbating to Saturday morning cartoons. Hack wasn’t able to overcome his addiction to that fetish until he discovered hardcore BDSM later that year.

The Sexiest Grandma

When Hack’s cover artist Jonny M. saw his friend Frances Fisher in the play “Native Gardens” at the Pasadena Playhouse, she told him that she was expecting her first grandchild. This intensified Hack’s already manic obsession with the actress because he’s “always had a thing for grandmothers,” so he wrote this very strange book about the fetish. After it was published, Ms. Fisher’s restraining order against Hack was extended from 50 to 500 yards.

The Boob Cup

This was one of Hack’s biggest successes, inspired by his friend Glenn Simon and his unnatural attachment to a cup shaped like a woman’s mammary gland. When an actual woman tries to come between Glenn and the cup, she quickly realizes that the novelty crockery has erotic powers that work to her benefit as well as his.

Hack has always been known for the power of the sex scenes in his books, but the ones in this are absolutely mind-blowing.