Ass’s Milk

Happy heavenly birthday to Claudette Colbert!

Colbert is one of our favorite movie stars from the 1930s and 1940s, winning an Oscar for It Happened One Night and starring in such classics as Cleopatra, The Egg and I and Since You Went Away. But our favorite Colbert film is the infamous 1932 camp classic The Sign of the Cross, which features an outrageously wonderful performance by Charles Laughton as Nero and perhaps the sexiest character of 1930s cinema in the form of Colbert’s Empress Poppaea. She was immortalized in one of the most famous nude scenes of the era when Poppaea takes a milk bath attended by her gaggle of slaves, a sight so deeply planted in Hack’s psyche that he wrote this novel about it.

Room 221

Room 222 was a comedy/drama created by James L. Brooks that took on timely subjects of its day and featured a multiracial cast that was unusual for its era. It struggled with less than stellar ratings during its five year run but it won several Emmy awards and was highly respected by its niche audience.

But who am I kidding? Hack wrote the thing because he had a crush on Karen Valentine as the school’s cute student teacher Alice Johnson.