Happy heavenly birthday to Ricardo Montalban!
Category: Dangerous Dudes
The Mouse
Happy Mickey Mouse Day!
Lyft Driver
Happy birthday to Martin Scorsese!
Planet of the MAGAs
The Van Nuys Slasher
Emergency Contacts
East Side Story
Happy heavenly birthday to the great Jerome Robbins!
Sins of a Showgirl
The Chic Spies
Chic Spy Day, which was created by Mignon Gould of the fashion website The Chic Spy, celebrates James Bond and similar fictional chic spies of film and television. Since there are few things Hack loves more than writing James Bond rip-offs, he took advantage of the gala to crank out this hodgepodge, an almost word-for-word copy of Diamonds Are Forever that led to his biggest plagiarism lawsuit yet.
Death by Audiophile
Happy Audiophile Day!